Clean Air and Containment Review

Editor: John Neiger
Publisher: Euromed Communications

High efficiency filter standards

ISO High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles in air

ISO 29463-1:2011
Part 1: Classification, performance testing and marking
ISO 29463-2:2011
Part 2: Aerosol production, measuring equipment and particle-counting statistics
ISO 29463-3:2011
Part 3: Testing flat sheet filter media
ISO 29463-4:2011
Part 4: Test method for determining leakage of filter elements-Scan method
ISO 29463-5:2011
Part 5: Test method for filter elements

BS EN High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA)

BS EN 1822-1:2009
Classification, performance testing, marking

BS EN ISO: High-efficiency filters and filter media for removing particles in air

BS EN ISO 29463-2:2018* NEW
Part 2: Aerosol production, measuring equipment and particle-counting statistics
BS EN ISO 29463-3:2018* NEW
Part 3: Testing flat sheet filter media
BS EN ISO 29463-4:2018* NEW
Part 4: Test method for determining leakage of filter elements. Scan method
BS EN ISO 29463-5:2018* NEW
Part 5: Test method for filter elements

*These are the same as ISO 29463:2011 Parts 2 - 5 but dated 2018 as that is the year in which they were adopted by CEN. They supersede BS EN 1822:2009 Parts 2 - 5. BS EN 1822-1 remains current.

BS EN Air filters for general air cleaning

BS EN 14799:2007
Air filters for general air cleaning. Terminology

BS (HEPA filter test)

BS 3928:1969
Method for sodium flame test for air filters (other than for air supply to I.C. engines and compressors)