Editor: John Neiger
Publisher: Euromed Communications
Training courses
Journal contents list
Recent standards
Cleanroom and clean air device standards
High efficiency filter standards
Biotechnology and biosafety standards
Biodecontamination standards
Energy standards
Electrical, electronic and instrument safety standards
Other standards related to clean air and containment:
Containment, Calibration, Workplace atmospheres, HTMs
Cleanroom and clean air device standards
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments
BS EN ISO 14644-1:2015
Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration
BS EN ISO 14644-2:2015
Part 2: Monitoring to provide evidence of cleanroom performance related to air cleanliness by particle concentration
BS EN ISO 14644-3:2005
Part 3: Test methods
BS EN ISO 14644-4:2001
Part 4: Design, construction and start-up
BS EN ISO 14644-5:2004
Part 5: Operations
BS EN ISO 14644-6:2007
Part 6: Vocabulary (withdrawn)
BS EN ISO 14644-7:2004
Part 7: Separative devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolators and mini-environments)
BS EN ISO 14644-8:2013
Part 8: Classification of air cleanliness by chemical concentration (ACC)
BS EN ISO 14644-9:2012
Part 9: Classification of surface cleanliness by particle concentration
BS EN ISO 14644-10:2013
Part 10: Classification of surface cleanliness by chemical concentration
BS ISO 14644-12:2018
Part 12: Specifications for monitoring air cleanliness by nanoscale particle concentration
BS EN ISO 14644-13:2017
Part 13: Cleaning of surfaces to achieve defined levels of cleanliness in terms of particle and chemical classifications
BS EN ISO 14644-14:2016
Part 14: Assessment of suitability for use of equipment by airborne particle concentration
BS EN ISO 14644-15:2017
Part 15: Assessment of suitability for use of equipment and materials by airborne chemical concentration
BS ISO 14644-16:2018
Part 16: Energy efficiency in cleanrooms and separative devices
BS EN ISO 14698-1:2003
Part 1: Classification of surface chemical cleanliness (under development) Biocontamination control. General principles and methods
BS EN ISO 14698-2:2003
Part 2: Biocontamination control. Evaluation and interpretation of biocontamination data
Environmental cleanliness in enclosed spaces
PD 6609:2007
Guide to in situ high efficiency filter leak testing