Clean Air and Containment Review

Editor: John Neiger
Publisher: Euromed Communications

Out now: CACR (Clean Air and Containment Review) Issue 52 2024 Number Three

  • Determining air supply rate using a scientific approach
    N D Lenegan and T Eaton
  • Calculation of concentrations of airborne contamination and required air supply rates in non-UDAF cleanrooms
    W Whyte
  • Particle losses in sample tubing and how to validate them
    Jason Kelly
  • Is your HEPA filter working properly?
    Philip van Beek
  • Book review: Advances in Cleanroom Technology, Second edition, W Whyte

Clean Air and Containment Review, launched in January 2010, is a quarterly journal aimed at users, specifiers, designers, manufacturers, installers and testers of cleanrooms and clean air and containment equipment.

Recent issues have covered: Proposed changes to ISO 14644 Parts 1 and 2 • Measurement of air volumes • Selection of active air samplers • Energy management systems • How the Birmingham small pox incident shaped the development of MSCs • Why 5µm particles deposit in sample tubing •

See Contents index for content of all issues.

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What readers say:

"First of all we highly appreciate your work as publisher of "Clean Air and Containment Review" and send our congratulations with its success. It is really a very good journal."

Alexander Fedotov, President ASENMCO, Moscow, Russia
March 2011

"Just wanted to let you know that I thought the latest issue of CACR was excellent. The articles and information are extremely useful and informative."

Gordon Farquharson, Principal, Critical Systems Ltd, UK
February 2011

"We just got the latest issue of CACR. Our compliments, it is a great read...

In addition, we would appreciate you sending us a copy of all of the previous issues, as we misplaced some, and would like to create a permanent file for this publication in our Library."

XQ Lin, Vice President, Esco Global, Singapore
October 2010